Small Changes. Big Impacts.
A reminder that effective change beats out big change, and how you can still watch Netflix while doing it.
I don’t know where the idea came from that change had to be big.
For some reason, there’s this narrative out there that change has to be announced and grand, like a bustling parade. When we do that, more often than not, we get caught up in the antics or motions of change but don’t actually make any movements toward it.
Although some change may be large, I would argue that most of it is small, messy, and imperfect. Changes made in daily habits can lead to larger improvements in the long run.
I know, it’s easy to get caught up in the amount of change, when really it’s about the quality and effectiveness of change. Sure, I can alter my whole daily routine, but how long did that last? Was it effective?
Change also doesn’t have to eliminate fun. Take me for instance — I like to do what I believe many of us like to do, which is lay up in bed at night and watch Netflix. When I started to change my daily habits, I felt like I had to completely eliminate TV from my life, and I did for a few days. But that wasn’t effective; it didn’t last. A few days later, I found myself curled up in my blanket watching a new show on Netflix.
One of the reasons why that change wasn’t effective was because I was not acknowledging the accomplishments I had made. I engaged in new habits that were outside my comfort zone, and I didn’t recognize my success or reward myself by doing something I enjoy, like watching TV. I was trying to make my change a declaration by completely cutting off anything that brought me joy. And by doing so, not only did I not end up changing, but I was miserable.
That’s why I think it is essential to allow ourselves to make the changes we want in life, whether it’s waking up earlier or exercising more, and still make time for the things we enjoy, like watching Netflix. Creating a new habit is already challenging; you don’t have to punish yourself more by not having fun. Each time you engage in your new habit, you are successfully taking one more step towards the person you want to be. And though it may seem like a small step, it’s effective and gets you closer to your goal. So be proud of yourself! Any success is worth celebrating!